Library Information

The library contains references to the following impediments

Hearing disability

Visual disability

mental handicap

Language and communication disorders

Autism disorder

Library Information

Arabic books up to 28000 titles and the number of foreign books up to 12500 addresses and the number of scientific letters Arabic 1500 messages and foreign 195 messages.

Library area:

Up to 400 meters and receive daily 1000 students in all scientific departments as the library operates from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm daily as well as graduate students where the library receives numbers up to 250 students pre-master and doctorate and there are diplomas and media meeting with students from Out of college.

The Library receives students from neighboring colleges and higher institutes:

1- Faculty of Education (literary sections).

2- Faculty of Specific Education.

3. Institute of Asian Studies.

4. Institute of Civilizations.

5- Faculty of Engineering (Department of Architecture).

6 - Faculty of Physical Education boys and girls.

الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي